Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Sarah Grace is here.....

Our little angel has finally arrived. Sarah Grace was born on Monday January 26th at 9:46 a.m. She weighed 7 lbs 1 oz and was 20 inches long. We are all doing great, just trying to adjust to having another little one in the house. She is really a wonderful baby. I am nowhere near as exhausted as I thought I would be. Kenzie is a wonderful big sister and I know have a new found love for my AMAZING husband. I don't know where I would be without him. God has truly blessed our family in more ways than I can count. More pictures to come soon!!

Sarah Grace with her daddy

Sarah Grace with mommy

Sarah Grace with her proud big sister Kenzie

Monday, January 19, 2009

how much longer?!?

I am so ready to have a sweet little girl to hold and love. I feel as though I have been pregnant for 19 months, not 9. I wonder what makes this pregnancy seem to go by so slow. I feel as though the days are just slowly, slowly passing by. I don't know if it is the fact that I am staying at home and not as busy as usual, or the fact that I am just really anxious to see her. I have 19 days to go....a lot of my friends who have had babies recently came about 5-15 days early. Pray I am one of those mommies. The doctor has said she is ready...head down and everything. We are ready for sure. Everything packed, and if it's not packed it's on the last minute list for Steve. We have Nana, Twin and Grandma lined up to watch Miss Mackenzie. If anybody knows of any "old wives tales" that work please let me know. Will keep everyone updated!!

Friday, January 16, 2009

36 weeks and counting..............

Here are a few shots of Sarah Grace's room...we are now 36 weeks, 3 days and counting. I am very ready to have our sweet Sarah Grace here and start working on getting this baby weight off. Anybody up for a workout partner?

the feeding spot

where all the stinky stuff happens

Her sleepy spot..thank goodness for Pottery Barn clearance

36 weeks and 2 days....not much longer

Update on Brandy

Brandy is home now...they were able to stop the contractions..thank goodness. She returns to the doctor on Monday to see if she can return to work. Thank you to all who were praying for her.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Please Pray

Please pray for my friend Brandy. She is expecting her second child on March 5th. They put her in the hospital last week for kidney stones. They finally put a stint (spell check) in yesterday. Since putting the stint in she has been having contractions. Her contractions are 1 minute apart. Her water has not broken and she is not dilated. She is only 32 weeks and as all you mommies know it is best to keep baby in the womb as long as possible. Pray that God will give her comfort and that the doctors can stop the contractions. I will keep everyone updated. Thank you!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Getting things done...

We have had a lot going on lately...getting ready for Sarah Grace to be here, Great Grandma's 100th Birthday party, Doctor's appointments and all the other day to day stuff that needs to be done. Oh the joys of laundry and dishes and cleaning and ironing. Oh how I dread ironing. I have been trying to get some organizing done around here lately. I never realized how much we have accumulated with Kenzie and wanted to make room for the many things we will accumulate with Sarah Grace. So my wonderful hubby got me the organizer I wanted from Target when it went on sale a few weeks ok. I LOVE IT...let me say that again I LOVE IT. It holds so much stuff and doesn't make the dining room look junkie.

Now hopefully I can keep it that way, we have the playroom downstairs, but it is so nice to be able to have some toys up here without having to drag things up and down the stairs. I have also cleaned and organized Kenzie's closet.

We went this past weekend to North Carolina to celebrate my Great Grandmother's 100th Birthday. Imagine.....100 years. I only hope that I am as lucky as her. She is always in such good spirits and has a wonderful outlook on life. She still is able to move around by herself and take care of herself. She really is an inspiration to all. We are so blessed to be able to have 5 generations in our family. It has been a tradition since Kenzie was born to do a 5 generations picture.

On the Sarah Grace front everything is looking good, my blood pressure has gone back down...Praise the Lord. I am however still gaining too much weight..I know haha...too much. I should have only gained 1 lb. at my last appointment and I gained 4...what can I say...I'M STARVING. I feel like I can never get enough food. The doctor does want to do one more ultrasound to check Sarah Grace's growth, I go this Friday at 8:15. Say a little prayer that she is on target and we can let her make her entrance on her own. I was induced with Kenzie, so I would love to be able to actually go into labor on my own with Sarah Grace. I know God has it planned out to perfection...so we shall see what he has in store for us. I need to get Twin to take some more belly pics, so I will be sure to post more later this week. Till then...........